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The MJC strives to instill each and every child with a love of Jewish learning, a pride in their heritage, and a desire to live their lives with Jewish values and commitments at the forefront. From the moment our young adults enter our community, to the day they stand on our bima chanting their haftorah, we are on a journey of Jewish learning together. The years leading toward the Bar/Bat Mitzvah have the potential to be transformative in the identity of each Jewish young adult, and we want to do everything we can to give our students and families the gift of an experience they will cherish for life.

Here's our journey:

In the Dalet year

Students will receive their Bar/Bat Mitzvah date.

In the Hay year

We invite students and their families to join us in our Torah unrolling ceremony. On this special evening, we unroll the entire Torah, showing students where their individual portions can be found and what they look like in the Hebrew script. Rabbi Dorsch introduces the students to the meaning of their portions, presents them with a certificate listing their Bar/Bat Mitzvah date, and a packet that details many interpretations of their Torah portion. This year we will have opportunities to come together as a community and teach each other Torah. In our Torah Tales Activity, students and their families will be asked to prepare a brief song, skit, or creative work based on the themes of their reading to share with others. 

In the Vav year

It’s time to begin thinking about Mitzvah projects. A core component of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah journey is the student’s recognition that, while celebration is important, so are giving back to the community and helping to make the world a better place. We want our B'nei Mitzvah to understand that doing mitzvot is an essential part of becoming a Jewish adult. Families are encouraged to reach out to Morah Helena as early as the Vav year for suggestions and assistance with planning a mitzvah project. We find that mitzvah projects which are begun early, and create high levels of personal engagement, can be among the most memorable aspects of the entire Bar/ Bat Mitzvah experience.

Meeting with the Rabbi and Cantor

Students will meet with the Cantor to begin practicing their prayers and haftorah roughly 10 months before their Bar/Bat Mitzvah. It’s at this time that the first of your individual meetings with Rabbi Dorsch should also be scheduled with the office. Meeting with the Rabbi a total of 4 meetings before the Bar/Bat Mitzvah takes place is essential. During these meetings, the Rabbi will help you to plan and implement mitzvah projects, review the meaning of prayers and readings, assist with the writing of your D’var Torah (B’nei Mitzvah speech), and share his wisdom on the values inherent in becoming a Jewish adult.

Join us for Shabbat Services Before your Bar/ Bat Mitzvah

We require all Bar/Bat Mitzvah families to join us for a minimum of six Shabbat services prior to your family’s simcha. We want to get to know you and share the magic of Shabbat with you before your big day! We find that students who are familiar with the flow of our services are much more confident during their Bar/Bat Mitzvah, and that level of familiarity can make a big difference in your entire family’s appreciation of the day.


Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785