The Lifelong Learning Committee is dedicated to bringing Jewish learning in many modalities to the Merrick Jewish Centre. There are classes ranging from learning Hebrew to Spanish, Bible Study to Jewish history, Art Projects to Zumba. In the past we have learned about the Bible as literature, studied the Holocaust, viewed Israeli films and prepared for our holidays. We continue to have virtual Hollywood on Sundays as well as a TV production class this year. We welcome your ideas and participation in this vital committee.
Have an idea for a Lifelong Learning Program? Contact us at
Joanne Skop and Steve Greenfield
The Jews of Long Island: Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 7:00 pm in the CJL (in-person only)
Last year historian Brad Kolodny presented a fascinating visual lecture on the Synagogues of Long Island. We have invited Mr. Kolodny back to present The Jews of Long Island - 1705 1918. He literally wrote the book, spending 6 years researching archives, newspapers and conducting interviews. Brad is an excellent speaker who will share some great stories about pioneering Jews on Long Island.
Rabbi Charles and Betty Klein Legacy Lecture: Wednesday, May 21, 2025
This year we are looking forward to noted theologian and author, Dr. Shai Held. Watch for details in the spring.
Weekly Bible with Rabbi Dorsch
Rabbi Dorsch will discuss the weekly portion of the Torah in a freewheeling discussion format on Wednesdays at 10:00 am. Make sure to check your MJC Weekly Email for the location since it may tend to vary. No reservation required! This is an MJC tradition—Come learn and enjoy!
Virtual Hollywood
Richard Knox continues his Sunday morning programs on Hollywood icons at 11:00 am each week. Zoom info: ID 710-827-5009, Password: MJC613
Learn To Read Hebrew
Sharyn Kussin continues her class on helping you to improve your Hebrew. She will work with any students who wish to learn or improve their Hebrew skills. Contact for additional information.
Continuing Spanish
Hebrew isn’t enough! Sharyn also teaches Spanish every Tuesday night on Zoom at 7:30 pm. Need a refresher before traveling? Want to be able to shop properly in Spanish markets? Contact
Zumba with Carrie Dale
Join us on Zoom for fun-filled hour of exercise with a wonderful instructor. Times may vary from week to week, so email for the current schedule and to be added to Carrie's direct contact list. Zoom info: ID 968 5836 5963 Passcode: 067653